Sunday, November 7, 2010

Post number two?! Wow! I didn't think I'd be this dedicated...

I wish I could draw.  Not just by hand but on Microsoft paint as well... that would make my blogs that much more interesting.  I've never been able to draw, in fact, I'll demonstrate this below:
This is what a cat should look like:
Now, THIS is what happens when I attempt to duplicate the drawing on Microsoft Paint (and I'm sad to say that this took several minutes):
LOOK AT HOW SAD THAT CAT LOOKS.  My attempt at drawing its whiskers just made it look like some sadistic maniac placed duct tape over its mouth in the shape of an X... and since I didn't even draw a mouth, that's probably exactly what it is.  Its tail looks like it was run over... in fact, you can even see where it no longer attaches to the cat's body.  Now that I really look at the picture I realize that that's NOT HOW A CAT'S ARMS AND LEGS ARE SUPPOSED TO LOOK!  On a better note, I think I did okay with the grass.. I mean, how else would I draw grass?   

Unless I'm going to draw a simple stick figure with a speech bubble next to it, I probably won't use a whole bunch of pictures in this blog.  I think it's for the best - no one will know what I'm trying to draw and it will just add confusion to my already disorganized thoughts.

Anyway, I really had no intention of writing a blog about how I can't draw... somehow it just ended up that way.  I think I was going to try to draw a pyramid but drew that cat...thing instead.  Why was I going to draw a pyramid?  I thought it would go along nicely with the real topic of my post: my least favourite class in university (World History).
I remember signing up for courses like it was yesterday... I think my thought process went something like...
"History? I love history!  Cultured?  That's me.  I could spend HOURS in a museum!"
Obviously none of the above is actually true, but somehow I tricked myself into believing it was, and well, the rest is history (...I have no more self-respect).  See, with that false mentality I truly believed that I was a better person who would benefit from a class about history - in reality, I hated history in high school, I'm culturally unaware and could imagine nothing worse then even setting foot in a museum.  Unfortunately, delusional hotheaded me didn't realize that I was lying to myself so I ended up in the class.
I think my biggest issue with it is that it's at 10am.  Back in the day I thought that would be great - I could sleep in.  LIES.  Waking up for a 10am class has proven to be the most difficult thing I've ever had to do, despite having classes at 9:30 in high school.  The readings are also ridiculously long (not really, but when you read a chapter about the history of water, well, of course it's gonna seem like a long reading).  The prof is great, but the class... ehhhhh.  I think I'm still bitter about the 10am thing.

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