Thursday, October 28, 2010

my first blog post - yay!

Before I even start what will hopefully be the first of many nonsensical rants about nothing - I feel like I should enlighten whoever ends up reading this about why I wanted to start a blog in the first place...

1) A place to let the public know what's on my mind.
Okay - first of all, I'm not delusional, I'm fully aware that the general public will never read this.  The only people who will end up reading this will be those who I whore the web address out to in the middle of the night over facebook in a desperate plea for attention.  I will consequently regret that decision the next morning and will be unable to make eye contact with said people ever again.
Secondly... I know that facebook is a place for that whole "what's on your mind" thing... but my facebook page has turned into nothing more than a gallery of drunken photos and status updates about procrastinating, hitting up some fast food place or being on round 38.  Within this blog I can actually have a place to rant publicly without being all in-your-face with my most recent "drinks drinks drinks!" status that you have no choice but to read when it appears on your news feed.
So to recap:
blog = place to rant without forcing it upon the general public
facebook = place to announce drunkenness/procrastination without any consideration for the fact that my poor facebook friends have to suffer through reading it.

2) Everyone else is doing it.
This is a valid reason, I swear.  I think my grandmother blogs.  I like to think that I'm more interesting than my grandmother.  Convinced? okay, moving on -

3)A blog is a good place to just rant about absolutely nothing.
It's true -  it can even be interesting if I really get going.  I tend to rant a lot but people get bored and either stop listening or distract me with the idea of fast food.  Ranting through a facebook status/being limited to a 140-character text message is not suffice, hence the blog.  In fact, I can't see myself ever posting something on here that isn't a rant...

There you have it, why I wanted to write a blog.  It's not because I'm an attention-whore, I swear.
I kind of hate myself for my first post being about blogs... so cliché.  Aw well... if anyone reads this, I promise I'll never write another blog about blogs again :)

1 comment:

  1. This is very true yet sad. I wished there was some other interesting, antique reason behind blogging, but I have not yet found one. It is basically for:

    1. Attention
    2. Talking about your thoughts in long spaces, used to share in the online world... with your pics and background :)
    3. A blog is fashionable♥

    Anyways, I loved it, i like your careless and free and happy writing style and will be commenting lots. Two reasons:

    1. I love reading blogs and commenting, I love stating my opinions♥
    2. It's nice when people comment on your blogs, it makes me happy and I would like to make you smile every now and then!

    Looking forward to the things you will "rant" about!

    Besos, Mai

    PS: BTW, my name is Maite and I am a blogaholic♥
