I should have seen this coming - I received texts from six different people telling me that my designated driver left my car lights on last night. Instead of being responsible and trying to contact him, I assumed the problem would resolve itself. I have no idea why I thought that... it's probably the least rational thing I could have done. Anyway, when I went to go to the video store today to buy the Lizzie McGuire movie (I have no shame in publicly admitting how badly I wanna see this), my car wouldn't turn on. There wasn't even a pathetic choking noise, nothing happened at all.
I did what any responsible, competent young adult would do - I called Dad and asked him what to do. He walked me through the process of jumpstarting a battery, and reminded me that I have a card with a number I can call to get people to show up and charge the battery for no cost. When I terminated the call, instead of doing anything productive about the car situation, I came to the crippling realization of how incompetent I am at doing adult things... like calling people to fix my car, job-hunting, or buying groceries (crystal light, a slinky and granola bars do not constitute groceries). In fact, immediately following the phone call, this happened - I call it my four stages of procrastination:
See... that's way more fun than "responsibility." I'm dreading the day that I have to get a real job (one that isn't of the burger-and-fry variety) and pay for things that I need. I feel like I'm losing my childhood every time I buy something like a toothbrush, or some towels. What happened to the days of only spending money on fast food, alcohol, and clothing? (You can never have enough of these three things.)
The main point I'm trying to make is that I wish I could still live without consequences. When I was a little kid I really got nothing more than a slap on the wrist from my parents - not literally... in fact, who slaps children on the wrist? What an odd expression. You know what another weird expression is? "Killing two birds with one stone." Was there a time in which birds were a nuisance and there was a shortage of stones... so when you managed to kill two of them with just one stone is was being conservative? I don't know. Sorry, I'm rambling.
More on consequences:
I tend to do things without really thinking about the consequences. Whether it be as simple as procrastination, or as complex as tequila. Today for example, I decided to put hot sauce on my turkey at supper.
guy with hot sauce - "Hey Dallas, want to try some hot sauce?"
my brain - You can't handle spicy foods. You once almost threw up from eating medium hot wings. Hot sauce and turkey wouldn't be complimentary anyway. Don't do it.
me- "OKAY!"
The consequence was that I needed to buy milk to calm the burning sensation in my mouth, as well as extreme pain and probably second degree burns and internal bleeding.
Eating hot sauce was a prime example of my ignorance to the concept of consequences as well as blatant stupidity - I don't handle spicy foods well, why would I enjoy eating something with "hot" in the name?
Maybe it's time I grow up and start thinking ahead to the future. ...that won't happen, the future's scary. I just found out a few months ago that you actually have to pay a monthly bill for water. WATER! Water should be free, and I always thought it was. I am definitely not ready to live on my own...
Hahah, I love this! You're blog was like the highlight of my day :)
ReplyDeletelolol. this reminded me of us trying to jump start my car that one time in front of dairy queen.