Recently, a trending topic on Twitter was #NameSomethingYouDontLikeButEveryoneDoes.
That got me to thinking - I really fucking hate a lot of things that everyone else does. Boyfriend has pointed that out to me before, especially when it comes to food. Anyway, you're probably all going to think I'm crazy after you read this, but here are some things that I hate - but everyone else does.
1. Bacon
First off, I should specify - I do like bacon when it's on a sandwich or a burger or something. Bacon-wrapped things are good too. It's bacon by itself that I don't like. When going out for/cooking breakfast, I would never EVER choose to eat bacon. It's too salty, greasy, and I just plain don't like the taste of it.
My mother has never really grasped the fact that I don't like bacon; whenever I'm home, she excitedly announces that she's cooked bacon for breakfast. I politely and begrudgingly eat it.
2. Televised Sports
Actually, sports in general. I don't see the point in watching strangers play a game I don't understand for upwards of hours. Even the Olympics! I don't feel proud or excited or anything when someone I don't know wins some stupid sport I don't care about JUST BECAUSE they happen to be from Canada. Say you hate Avril Lavigne and are Canadian. HOW DARE YOU? SHE IS A SUCCESS AND IS FROM CANADA YOU SHOULD BE SO PROUD. See how stupid that sounds? That's how I feel about the Olympics.
Actually, I hate watching sports in general. Even live... I get annoyed when people scream and are too loud, I don't care about baskets/goals/touchdowns/whatever.
3. Loud Music
Yeah... when the music is loud to the point that I can't hear myself think over it? Fucking hate that. When I go out to a bar where there's a live band, it's almost ALWAYS waaaayyy too loud for me.
I find it ruins social occasions when someone has the music cranked up to the point that you have to yell at each other just to be heard. Or driving with someone when the music is always at a super high volume - just turn that shit down to a reasonable level!
4. Thunderstorms
For some FUCKED reason, everyone on facebook and twitter loses their shit with excitement and joy at the first clap of thunder. Let me just say this once - thunderstorms are unquestionably my BIGGEST fear in the entire world. I know it's irrational. I don't fucking care that it's irrational. I get SO SCARED every time that there's a thunderstorm, that I confine myself to a windowless room, wrap myself up in a blanket, and sometimes cry because that's how scared I am.
5. Pepperoni Pizza
I am exceedingly difficult to order pizza with - namely, because I hate pepperoni. Not just pepperoni though - pretty much any type of meat you'd put on a pizza (with the exception of hamburger) I do not like. I tried to order pizza with three friends the other night... we ended up having to get two separate orders instead of getting a large pizza and sharing it - half and half you say? No, no one else wanted just onions and cheese on their pizza :(
6. Balloons
They don't brighten my day. They're not a good way to surprise me. They don't add joy or merriment to social occasions. Like thunderstorms, THEY SCARE THE LIVING FUCK OUT OF ME. This is actually probably the most irrational thing that I feel, but I'm on edge and sketched out every time there's a balloon in a room. I'm just fucking scared that they're going to pop!
Well that's that. Comment if you're with me on any of these (though I doubt anyone will be...)
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