I'm about to dive head-first into a post with no idea where I'm going with it. Not even a topic, I'm just gonna (most likely) bitch about things that have recently pissed me off. Actually, that could be decent. Voila! Here are things that piss me off:
1. This fucking weather.
I absolutely HATE winter, more than pretty much anything. It's freezing - such that I have to drive slowly, or NOT AT ALL WHEN MY WINDSHIELD WON'T DEFROST AND THEN I'M LATE FOR MY PSYCH EXAM. And then there was tonight, when I actually wore a blanket to go to Tim Hortons. I looked like a mentally handicapped crack-addict douchebag. Though, that was partially due to the fact that I dressed myself to portray the "I had a rough night, leave me alone" image. You know what I mean, right? The hoodie/shorts or pajamas/possibly a hat/no socks look. Then entering the room with a loud "UGHHHHHHHHH" so people know that you're in rough shape and they don't judge you based on what you're wearing. Anyway, what? Oh right, weather... fuck Winter.
2. Exams.
I have a horrible work ethic. Take right now for example - it is currently 2am, and I have an exam in seven hours. Woop-de-fucking-doo, I'm writing a blog post, see ya in hell, Aristotle! Philosophy. Another thing that pisses me off, I never actually understand what is going on. On the plus side, I've done 3/4 (one was cancelled... that still counts as a completion in my books), meaning I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!
3. When the internet doesn't work.
I haven't had internet access in my room for like two weeks, I hate venturing to the lounge to facebook creep. It makes me feel guilty as the lounge is generally full of studious students, something I'm not (see number 2).
4. Pessimism
Like I'm being right now. Maybe I'll focus on things that have made me happy recently!
HAPPY THINGS!!!!!!!!! :)
1. Love and Other Drugs
Other than having to see Anne Hathaway's tits every five minutes, it was a fantastic movie! I laughed and even almost cried a little. Plus it involves a lot of partially-nude-Jake-Gyllenhaal, something we can all appreciate. But seriously, Anne Hathaway - we get it, you have boobs. You don't need to show us them.
2. Taco Bell
There is a taco bell here now. Hello deliciousness & freshman 15.
3. Seeing the dogs!
I miss my dogs, I see them tomorrow. :) yay! Also friends and family, I miss them too. But the dogs are SOOOO CUTEEEEE!!!!! Look:
4. Snow can be pretty.
I do hate winter and being cold... but snow is pretty, not gonna lie. Preferably not too much, but I can still appreciate it around Christmas time. That being said, there's nothing good about rain. Nothing.
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